
Jul 31 , 2023 | Blog

"Electroplating" process after making the prototype

With the development of science and technology, electroplating has higher and higher requirements for product appearance. Many high-end handmade products use this surface treatment method, but electroplating has high requirements on the surface. The sample before electroplating must be very smooth without any trace of impurities, and then it is soaked in a chemical solution. The problem that needs to be paid attention to in electroplating is that some cannot be water-plated, but can only be vacuum-plated.

Although both plastic and metal prototypes can use electroplating technology, due to their different characteristics, there are still differences in electroplating. The plastic prototype has strong adsorption and can be directly plated on the surface of the prototype. If the metal hand plate is directly plated, it is easy to fall off. Therefore, the metal prototype needs to be sprayed with a layer of primer before electroplating, so that the effect of electroplating will be very good, and the anti-corrosion time will be longer.


In addition, there are different functions according to various electroplating requirements. Examples are as follows:


1. Copper plating: used for primer to improve the adhesion and corrosion resistance of the electroplating layer.


2. Nickel plating: used for primer or appearance to improve corrosion resistance and wear resistance.


3. Gold plating: improve the conductive contact resistance and enhance signal transmission.


4. Palladium-nickel plating: improve conductive contact resistance, enhance signal transmission, and have higher wear resistance than gold.


5. Tin-lead electroplating: improve soldering ability, which will soon be replaced by other alternatives.


6. Silver plating: improve conductive contact resistance and enhance signal transmission.

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