Rapid Injection Molding Processing ?

Aug 17 , 2023 | Blog

Rapid injection molding process is technologically speaking the same as conventional injection molding. The main differences are in how the tooling is manufactured.

1. RIM uses different materials for its dies 

In conventional processes, the aim is to make molds as durable as possible so they are Rapid Injection Molding manufactured from hardened steel that is a real hassle to the machine.  is used for a smaller amount of runs so it can use softer materials. A widespread option is aircraft-grade aluminum alloys. They have a strength that is similar to steel but it is much easier to machine and polish them. That cuts the tooling time up to 30% in machining and up to 2-5 times in polishing.

2. Rapid injection molding dies can be redesigned easier

Molds for mass production injection molding are solid because fewer joints mean higher precision and longer life. Prototyping processes can sacrifice a little bit of precision to get better flexibility and that is why the cavity is manufactured as a separate part from the base of the dies. That way, if you need to make an adjustment, you can just remove the cavity and leave the rest untouched.

3. Rapid injection molding uses less automation than conventional rapid injection molding and that means it requires less time to design, manufacture, and fine-tune the tooling.

Conventional rapid injection molding processes use a lot of automotive ejectors, loads, and other auxiliary mechanisms to further increase their performance. However, prototyping is not about cutting time for each part produced, it is about cutting preparation time. So, if we replace automotive mechanisms with manually mounted ones, a lot of time can be saved when manufacturing the injection system.

All of the mentioned points result in the prototyping time being cut drastically. What it means for the client is that he can get his parts in 2-5 weeks with rapid injection molding instead of 2-5 months with conventional injection molding.

Welcome to contact us via enquiry@abcrapid.com to get more information !

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